"Sketches from Latvia" album release

I’ve put together an album of academic work with some live recordings from over the past 9 years.
Life in Latvia has offered a lot of musical inspiration. I’m very grateful to those who performed and recorded these pieces. I’m preserving them here in your honor.
Special thanks to Rolands Kronlaks, Arvydas Kazlauskas, Normunds Šnē, Jānis Liepinš, Guntars Freibergs, Elvijs Endelis, Mikus Bāliņš, Edgars Saksons, Rihards Zaļupe, Jānis Retenais.
And thanks to the musicians from Atomos Saxophone Quartet, Sinfonietta Riga, DD Orchestra, Perpetuum Ritmico, Orchestra Riga, Riga-Helsinki saxophone project.
Finally, thanks to Latvijas Radio (licenses), Lomix Hodila (mastering), Martins Dabolins (photo), Centaur Records (record label).
Listen below:
Review in Mūzikas Saule journal December 2022:
(they misspelled the title of the album)
