Endless Roar on Lacquer
Scenes from the RUSH HUSH LP presentation concert, Dec 7 2019, Gertrudes Theatre.
Endless Roar - my pet electroacoustic project presented our LP "Rush Hush" at the lovely old Gertrude's Theatre in Riga on Dec 7 2019. Jersika Records' fully analogue aesthetic made for such an enriching recording experience.
Preview/Purchase LP or digital album here: https://jersikarecords.bandcamp.com/album/rush-hush

We're proud to have been nominated (though we didn't win) to Latvia's music awards "Zelta Mikrofones" in late 2019. And of course we are thrilled to see Rush Hush on the shelves in the local record shops.
A year later, we mourn lost opportunity to perform this material, but look ahead to further ventures. Here below one may find links to reviews and interviews surrounding the release:
JazzIn review (LV)
Indie Pulse review (EN)